becoming, one breath at a time with Kelly Kuhn


Kelly Kuhn Blog |

In the spirit of a little positivity, I wanted to share with you guys some awesome, incredible blogger friends who have motivated and inspired me in my life with their infectious optimism and wisdom. There are so many blogs about positivity that it can become overwhelming to figure out which ones truly resonate and are truly authentic to the purpose of positive energy. Therefore, it is my goal to help you navigate the massive blog world by highlighting some of my favorite blogger friends once a month. With 7 simple questions, I hope to give you a small preview into their lovely minds by illustrating their positive aura in their work and overall personality. So without further adieu, first one up to bat is the sweetheart, Kelly Kuhn.


Kelly Kuhn

To say Kelly Kuhn is just a blogger would be an extreme understatement. In fact, she would describe herself as a “truth-teller, a stay-at-home-mom, an optimist, an abuse/trauma survivor, a change agent, and a student of life.” Through her self-titled blog,, she has managed to peel back the many layers of her story and provide the universal wisdom gained from her experiences, past and present. With her honesty, wit, charm and love, she has encouraged her readers to become better people “one breath at a time.”

“I know we are all good. I know we are all made of God stuff. We are all here to rise. Knowing that with all my heart is extremely positive, and it constantly reminds me that our flaws (the things that look so negative) are simply part of the human experience.” – Kelly Kuhn

1. What do you want your readers to take away with them after reading your blog,

More than anything else, I hope my readers feel a greater sense of self-acceptance and self-understanding after reading my blog. As part of that, I hope they feel an occasional, “Me, too!” or “That hadn’t occurred to me before, but that makes sense.” And, then, for the icing on the cake, I hope they feel a little more inspired to practice self-love in the ways they need. It’s so easy for us to be bogged down in human details and have very cloudy perceptions – toward others, our life circumstances, and ourselves – and I hope my experiences and words might help shift perspective, albeit just a little bit and maybe only for a few minutes.
2. How does positivity play a role in your blog and life?
I am an extremely optimistic person, which is a gift I greatly appreciate. Being positive about life is effortless for me. However, I have struggled with having a positive attitude toward myself, and unfortunately have a tendency to focus on the negative in my daily activities and interactions. The remedy for that is a mixture of many things, all driven by the incessant internal pull to rise to be the person I am meant to be. I know we are all good. I know we are all made of God stuff. We are all here to rise. Knowing that with all my heart is extremely positive, and it constantly reminds me that our flaws (the things that look so negative) are simply part of the human experience. With limited success, I try to look at myself and others as we are, which I believe is 100% positive and good at our core. The negative stuff is all about lessons and growth. When I truly remember that and put it into action, my life is filled with grace and wonder. That’s what I try to express through my blog, either directly or as an undercurrent in every post.
3. Why did you decide to start your blog?
At a friend’s insistence, I started writing a memoir in January 2012, having no expectation that it would actually become book-length. I simply followed what I felt was divine guidance. By January 2013, the book was complete. I discovered I needed a platform in order to secure a publisher, and a blog is considered to be one of the best ways to do that, so I started blogging in March of 2013. Since then, I have found the timing for the memoir isn’t right – not yet, anyway – but I’m still blogging.
4. When are you at your happiest?
Gosh, that’s a hard one. Many things are clamoring, “Pick me! Pick me!” I want to write a long list but I will practice restraint and say it’s a tie: I am happiest when I am singing and dancing to really fun music (Michael Jackson, India Arie and many others) and when my husband, daughters, and I are hanging out, exchanging banter, and connecting. So fun!
5. What is one small change you’ve made recently that totally changed your life for the better?
Well, this may not be that small of a change, but I started taking an astrology class last September. I don’t see how astrology works, but I can see it does. And, like many things I believe in but can’t prove, using and applying it is helping me understand myself and others more, and overcome personal obstacles. That’s juicy stuff!
6. What motivates you?
Knowing that we are all more, and there is more to life, than we can prove using our 5 senses and current scientific methods; knowing that we are here to rise; knowing that rising feels immeasurably expansive and wonderful; knowing that “all” it takes to feel that is curiosity, willingness, and putting one foot in front of the other. There is so much to learn and experience!
7. What inspires you?
People expressing their talents. I weep when I hear a young singer, I am mesmerized by window washers (how do they not leave streaks?!), I am in awe of my counselor’s unceasing discernment to know when to listen and when to push me, I am dumbfounded when a cook creates something delicious by combining ingredients in ways that never occurred to me, and I am amazed how some people put words together in such an exquisite way that I am left speechless.
To learn more about Kelly Kuhn and her uplifting blog, click HERE.

18 Responses to “becoming, one breath at a time with Kelly Kuhn”

    • Kelly Kuhn

      Well, this is the second time I’ve tried to reblog someone’s post, and the second time it claims to have reblogged, but it hasn’t appeared on my site. Sadness! No worries, I’ll do it the old fashioned way. Thanks again, Tunisia.

      • jolynproject

        I am glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for your willingness to do it and sharing it with your readers!

  1. Kelly Kuhn

    Reblogged this on Kelly Kuhn and commented:
    I feel like Steve Martin when he exclaimed “The phone books are here! I’m somebody!” (Or something to that effect.)

    Tunisia Jolyn, blogger at the former “THE JOLYN PROJECT” and brand spanking new “a little positivity {dot} com,” interviewed me this week and shared it on her blog. Please check it out – and subscribe to her blog because she’s pure delight!

  2. Alison and Don

    I ❤ Kelly Kuhn. I've been following her for ages. I'm so glad I found her. I resonate with all she writes. We are on the same path and it's fun! – even the 'bad' bits 🙂

  3. myfearzapper

    Great choice in blogger features – Kelly is a wonderful person and her words truly reach & inspire others. Nice article!

  4. Alison and Don

    Thanks for following jolyn. I’m honoured. I hope you enjoy the stories of our journey, both inner and outer.
    And thanks for creating alittlepositivity. Inspired, and much needed!
    Blessings, Alison

  5. ♡eM

    I’ve been reading Kelly for a long time. She always has love-provoking thoughts to share. Thanks for sharing a little positivity today. Smiles!


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